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Friday, December 18, 2009

A few cup backgrounds

Just wanted you to see all the endless possiblities!
These are just a few!

Cups, Sippys, and more!

We now offer several mugs, cups, and sippys!

I will try to get lots of options up soon of backgrounds, fonts, etc. If you can't wait then email me now with what you want and I will get you a demo picture!
16 oz tumbler - $16
12 oz mug- $15

15 oz sports bottle - $16
5 oz sippy-$12
10 oz sippy- $14
8 oz children's cup- $12

Cosmetic bags can be used for so much more!

I recently did an order for Rachel and she had these bags made for boys and they turned out great! They can put their travel toiletries, crayons, cars, or just about anything in them. They come in 2 sizes and several colors! Prices are listed below.

Large ($12):

9" long x 6"high x 4"deep

Colors: white, red, lime, beige, light pink, coral, sage, lavendar, purple, tangerine.

Soon we will have black, fuschia, tropical blue, chocolate

Small ($10)

7" long x 4.5" high x 3.5" deep

Colors: white, red, black, beige, lime, light pink, fuschia, tropical blue, coral, sage chocolate, lavendar, purple, royal, tangerine

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Bow Holders

Get your personalized, painted bow holder to match your room!